Who We Are
Reef Nutrition is owned and operated by Reed Mariculture, the world's largest producer of marine microalgae concentrates. Our Instant Algae® larviculture feeds are used by over 500 hatcheries, universities, and marine ornamental operations in more than 70 countries around the world. We also produce zooplankton, copepods, and weaning feeds.
Our Products
Reef Nutrition products are closer to nature than any other feeds on the market. We produce whole-cell, whole-food microalgae feeds and enrichments from marine algae using proprietary processes.
Since last century, Reef Nutrition's parent company, Reed Mariculture has been providing commercial fish, bivalve and shrimp hatcheries with clean, convenient, long shelf-life feeds. Reed Mariculture feeds have proven to be the superior choice to replace or supplement live microalgae to ensure stable and rapidly-reproducing rotifer populations that offer rich nutritional value.
Our Services
As a family-run and owned business, Reef Nutrition and Reed Mariculture take pride in our customer service and technical support. In addition to our wide assortment of feeds and our expertise in growing microalgae, we also provide rotifer starter cultures (10 million to over 1 billion rotifers) and the support and materials necessary for customers growing their own cultures.
We are also experts in shipping logistics, however remote your location. Our commitment to excellence will keep you coming back to Reed Mariculture.
Our History
Reed Mariculture was founded in 1995 by Tim Reed to grow "tank raised" bivalve shellfish. Tim's concept was to produce the first commercially available shellfish that was raised on land, not in the ocean, producing a product that would be completely safe from toxins such as red tide algae, bacteria blooms, viruses, sewage run-off, and toxic metals. Reed Mariculture developed tank raised shellfish technology for three years and during this same time developed and refined the technology for large-scale grow out of marine microalgae, which is the feed for shellfish.
In 1998, Reed Mariculture discovered that there was a more lucrative market in selling the microalgae directly to other hatcheries and shut down all of it's shellfish operations. Reed Mariculture's core technology is a proprietary closed-system photobioreactor design that allows microalgae to be grown in laboratory sterile conditions. This technology is radically new and different compared to the open-pond technology used to grow freshwater species of microalgae such as Spirulina, Chlorella, Haematococcus, and Chlamydomonas.
In 2003, Reed Mariculture expanded its product focus from microalgae to a broader range of larviculture products with the introduction of live zooplankton (rotifers, copepods, and Mysid shrimp) and by distributing products such as ClorAm-X (for ammonia control) and Otohime Feeds (Japanese weaning diets).
In 2004, Reed Mariculture entered the home aquarium market with the introduction of Phyto-Feast , a super concentrate of marine microalgae formulated for feeding exotic filter feeders such as clams, corals, sponges, and tunicates that are popular in marine reef tanks.
In 2005, Reed Mariculture expanded offerings into the Marine Ornamental Industry with the Reef Nutrition product line including marine microalgae, macroalgae, rotifers, copepods, mysid shrimp.
Our Company
Reed Mariculture was incorporated in 1995 and is a California "C" corporation.
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