Yes, you can feed it to these animals. The high quality nutrition in TDO is great for FW animals.
Yes, we recommend you keep TDO refrigerated, especially after opening. Many of our stores and distributors don’t refrigerate unless they use the product in-house. It’s ok for them to do this since they aren’t opening the packaging and they are storing it in cool, dry places at their facilities.
While refrigeration is the best way to store TDO in between feedings, we are aware of hobbyists and aquaculture professionals not refrigerating the food with out any negative effects.
It will be fine. Just return it to the refrigerator as soon as you can.
Yes. It is ok if small portions of TDO are not refrigerated when used in an auto-feeder. We recommend refilling your feeder once or twice a month. The food will not be negatively affected at room temperature while in the auto-feeder.
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